Wicklow Community Services Clg provides a service designed to focus on the needs of the person needing care in order to empower them to remain living at home.
Our trained care team focus on the interests and activities that our clients enjoy to enable them to live a healthy and fulfilled life. Our professional carers are trained to a high standard, and are Garda vetted.
Our team designs the care-plan together with you, the client, and ensures that you are at the centre of your individual care-plan. Here are some of the services we offer, and there can be a mixture of services depending on your need.

Wicklow Community Services Clg offers a type of home care service that provides emotional and social support to individuals who may be experiencing loneliness or isolation. Some of our clients live in remote rural areas, and find it difficult to get out especially in the winter months.
Our professional care team provide essential companionship care such as picking up medication prescriptions and doing essential shopping. Some light household chores such as laundry, bed-making, meal preparation and lighting fires can be done in order to provide the assistance of daily living.
Companion care is not just about providing assistance with daily activities, but also about forming meaningful connections and fostering a sense of belonging.

Let our professional care team look after you with dignity and respect.
They are qualified to assist you with all aspects of personal care such as dressing and undressing, mobility, toileting, washing and prompting medication.
With our own in-house training team, we ensure that our care-team are trained and confident in the use of all types of mobility aids including the use of profile beds, standing hoists, and full hoists.

We have highly trained professional care staff who have both the expertise and the training to look after those who are facing progressive/terminal illnesses. We are experienced in palliative in the home, or end of life care. We offer a holistic approach Palliative care, care for those with dementia, and other progressive illnesses.
Dementia-care provides specialist care and assistance, and our team have received in-house training and some have completed qualifications from the University of Tasmania. Familiarity is important, and we focus on providing the same expert care-team to the client with dementia. A tailored care-plan is designed in order to maintain routine and reduce stress and anxiety. As the majority of the 64,000 people in Ireland with dementia are cared for at home, this area of expertise is a priority amongst our care-staff.
Progressive illnesses such as Motor neurone/M.S./Cancer/Parkinsons
At Wicklow Community Services, our team is familiar with all types of progressive illnesses, and we look after each and every client with sensitivity and professionalism. Every person is different, and we work closely with the client and the family to ensure that the care needs are being met. Sometimes, it is our companionship care service that are just as important as our personal care services. It is in the design of this mix of service delivery that Wicklow Community Services excels. Our client’s happiness is our goal.

I’ve had the same carer for the past twelve years. I wouldn’t be without her. She looks after all my needs, and listens to my troubles and woes. She makes me laugh when I’m not feeling too good. She reminds me of my appointments, and makes sure that I’m set up for the day, and has me in a routine. I look forward to every visit. She helps me every way possible, and she knows her stuff. Long may she be my carer
My wife has carers from Wicklow Community Services daily. The service has allowed her to continue living at home with dignity. The carers are brilliant. They are confident, show her a huge amount of empathy, and are always good humoured. Their experience in caring speaks for itself
It is my pleasure to pay tribute to our wonderful carers who look after Peter and treat him with such dignity and kindness. No job is too difficult for them, and we look forward to their arrival each day. Their company is very much appreciated and lifts our mood with their good humour and chats – way beyond the call of duty
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