Services You Can Trust

The Home Support Service is provided by either the HSE or one of its approved home support providers.

Please note that Wicklow Community Services CLG is on the list of preferred providers under the ADW Consortium. We provide a wide range of services ranging from personal, non-medical care to social care. Our patient-first approach is built around meeting the physical, mental and emotional needs of those we serve.

Each client referred to us by the HSE is assessed prior to starting care and a care plan is agreed on. Care is reviewed regularly and the care plan updated as required.


FETAC/QQI Qualified


HSE Approved


Garda Vetted

After Hours

Tel : 0404 69188

Our Services

Our dedicated Carers provide a range of personal care services, helping to ensure independence at home and to carry out daily activities in the community.

Personal care as required

Assisting with eating and drinking

Dressing and undressing

Collection of shopping

Food preparation

Assisting with mobility and transfers

Prompting and reminding medication

Promoting independence

Collection of medication


Assisting the client with the activities of daily living

Light domestic duties

Looking After Your Rights

At Wicklow Community Services we believe that our clients have the right to: